Adelphia email addresses after switch
(too old to reply)
Sam Crawford
2006-08-29 19:56:17 UTC
I've noticed that many users are now switched over to their new cable

What happens to your old adelphia.net email address? How long will mail be
forwarded from that old address to your new one?

2006-08-29 21:28:58 UTC
Post by Sam Crawford
I've noticed that many users are now switched over to their new cable
Interesting. Can you show me somewhere where it says anyone's internet
access is switched over? I see some folks here who think that since their TV
now shows they're on TW that they must be on a new network, too... but the
fact they are here and their headers show them to be on the Adelphia system,
still. I am very interested in seeing anything that links to facts about the
internet cutover, as that interests me in a significant way.
Post by Sam Crawford
What happens to your old adelphia.net email address? How long will mail be
forwarded from that old address to your new one?
Just breaking up TV systems is a relatively easy chore but figuring out what
user ID's and modem provisions and mail addresses and all of that stuff are
going to be a considerably more complicated venture. There are boatloads of
data that will have to be sorted. I'm guessing that they might have even
been writing a special application just to accomplish that and, even though
they would have been working on it for quite a while in advance the actual
rollout would be very tricky. Possibly a test system or two (one for each
new company) would maybe be cut in first to let the bugs float to the top

My guess is that it would also be hard to watch this group for info as once
the user is cut over to another IP, Giganews does not allow access to
in-house groups from anyone outside that system. Web based discussion groups
would be the best place, IMO, to see anything about results to this point.
Looking here might be useful for finding links to those web boards or links
to any pages from mailings that Adelphia or TW or Comcast puts out.

Or I could be completely wrong.
Sam Crawford
2006-08-29 22:15:08 UTC
Post by 62
Interesting. Can you show me somewhere where it says anyone's internet
access is switched over?
62. Good points. Maybe we will never know. Or at least never tell.

Let's see if we get any comments from former Adelphia users.
2006-08-30 18:20:21 UTC
Post by Sam Crawford
I've noticed that many users are now switched over to their new cable
What happens to your old adelphia.net email address? How long will mail be
forwarded from that old address to your new one?
We were informed that Comcast had taken ownership on August 1 but that
complete conversion would take about 9 months. And that at sometime, we
would be switched over to comcast.net. So far, it looks like Adelphia is
still here. TV ads, newspaper ads, etc. The monthly bill still says Adelphia
but I noticed on my bank statement that payment was to Comcast.
2006-08-30 20:51:36 UTC
Post by NC
Post by Sam Crawford
I've noticed that many users are now switched over to their new cable
What happens to your old adelphia.net email address? How long will mail
Post by Sam Crawford
forwarded from that old address to your new one?
We were informed that Comcast had taken ownership on August 1 but that
complete conversion would take about 9 months. And that at sometime, we
would be switched over to comcast.net. So far, it looks like Adelphia is
still here. TV ads, newspaper ads, etc. The monthly bill still says Adelphia
but I noticed on my bank statement that payment was to Comcast.
In Northern Vermont, we weren't informed of anything, but a newspaper
article basically said the same thing. There has been no change here at
all, including what the bank statement says. Adelphia continues to
advertise, etc. Newspaper article said it would take about 6 months for
a changeover, there will be a "migration tool" to transfer email
addresses to comcast.net, and they would automatically forward emails
from adelphia.net email addresses through the end of 2007.
Obfus Kataa
2006-08-30 21:30:49 UTC
Post by n***@adelphia.net.nospam
Post by NC
Post by Sam Crawford
I've noticed that many users are now switched over to their new cable
What happens to your old adelphia.net email address? How long will mail
Post by Sam Crawford
forwarded from that old address to your new one?
We were informed that Comcast had taken ownership on August 1 but that
complete conversion would take about 9 months. And that at sometime, we
would be switched over to comcast.net. So far, it looks like Adelphia is
still here. TV ads, newspaper ads, etc. The monthly bill still says Adelphia
but I noticed on my bank statement that payment was to Comcast.
In Northern Vermont, we weren't informed of anything, but a newspaper
article basically said the same thing. There has been no change here at
all, including what the bank statement says. Adelphia continues to
advertise, etc. Newspaper article said it would take about 6 months for
a changeover, there will be a "migration tool" to transfer email
addresses to comcast.net, and they would automatically forward emails
from adelphia.net email addresses through the end of 2007.
Any traceroute I do has a hop after the last Adelphiacom node to
a twc-core.net node.

Here is an example:
traceroute to www1.cac.washington.edu (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 cratylus ( 11.658 ms 4.201 ms 0.932 ms
2 * * ( 10.195 ms
3 ( 11.351 ms 39.931 ms 16.065 ms
4 ( 31.179 ms 19.064 ms 16.833 ms
5 ( 44.853 ms 48.675 ms 47.332 ms
6 unk-426d0ea1.adelphiacom.net ( 43.638 ms 52.885 ms 42.214 ms
7 so-3-0-0.c1.dca91.twc-core.net ( 44.393 ms so-4-1-0.c1.dca91.twc-core.net ( 58.786 ms so-3-0-0.c1.dca91.twc-core.net ( 44.366 ms
8 ae-1-0.p0.dca91.twc-core.net ( 46.477 ms 43.870 ms 73.170 ms
9 ge-2-3-0.r01.asbnva01.us.bb.verio.net ( 53.505 ms 45.026 ms 69.370 ms
10 p64-0-0-0.r20.nycmny01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 59.351 ms 61.031 ms 60.726 ms
11 xe-0-3-0.r21.nycmny01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 55.419 ms 60.803 ms 66.845 ms
12 p64-0-0-0.r21.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 133.178 ms 137.550 ms 134.996 ms
13 xe-0-2-0.r20.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 138.738 ms 169.193 ms 135.039 ms
14 xe-3-1.r00.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 135.279 ms 130.575 ms 132.735 ms
15 ge-0.uw.sttlwa01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 138.694 ms * 137.810 ms
16 uwbr-ads-01-te3-1.cac.washington.edu ( 132.201 ms 280.499 ms 132.315 ms
17 acar-ads-02-vlan3998.cac.washington.edu ( 242.339 ms 151.172 ms 157.696 ms
18 www1.cac.washington.edu ( 139.077 ms 138.639 ms 138.293 ms


% host domain name pointer unk-426d0ea1.adelphiacom.net.
% host domain name pointer so-3-0-0.c1.dca91.twc-core.net.
% whois
Adelphia ADEL-NATION1 (NET-66-109-0-0-1) -
Adelphia ADEL-NATION (NET-66-109-0-0-2) -
Originality is for the WEAK.
Stacia (in A.R.K.)
Lola MacLean
2006-08-30 23:48:28 UTC
Here in Southern California we're all Time-Warner now. We're being told
we'll have to change e-mail addresses within the coming year. My recent bill
had both Adelphia and Time-Warner on the envelope--don't recall about the
statement in it. I think we're calling the same support people, but they
answer with the Time-Warner name. All the TV promotions are geared toward
the "Adelphia and Comcast have now become Time-Warner--it'll be that easy"
theme and show Comcast and Adelphia vans going into a car wash and coming
out with Time-Warner on them instead.

Not quite that easy with e-mail, though. It appears that Comcast and
Adelphia e-mail servers aren't communicating properly. When Comcast
subscribers send e-mails to Adelphia addresses (that are now T-W accounts)
they usually bounce with a "Persistent Transient Failure: Delivery time
expired" error message. I tracked down a Comcast Newsgroup and find that to
be happening all over the country--not just in Southern California. (I
assume it only applies to Adelphia accounts that are now T-W--at least
that's all I've heard of.)

Adelphia has been great in my area with rare outages and superb customer
service--I'm really sorry to see them go.
Lola MacLean
2006-09-03 19:53:47 UTC
I have seen other issues , security threats mostly, permeate on comcast news
servers, and concur with your findings. In fact, I was just on a ng hosted
on a server where comcastr is providing the BW, and as I accessed it to read
posts, I was flooded with malicious packets targeted in determining my OS
type, some of which knocked the connection offline and prompted the 'working
offline' window to appear in XP. This dont make comcast look very promising
right off the get go for me, and in anotherissue recently, I had an
unidentified user send me an email requesting information on a transaction
we processed on our website. When prompred to provide verification, they
emailed back, blew a fuse and became threatining. I immediately called
Adelphia, got an abuse ticket number and generated a report on the Abuse
webpage. I was given the impression over the phone they will seriously look
into it and take appropriate action. Later I got an email saying by law they
could not do anything, which perpetuated in my mind, the terrorism the
unidentified entity was trying to instill. I called Adelphias legal
department, and left a message saying I am not impressed with how TW is
taking on this issue, it does not make me feel safe as a user on this
network after about 5 years as a subscriber, and I now have motivation I
need to switch providers...and I intend to do so ASAP.
Post by Lola MacLean
Not quite that easy with e-mail, though. It appears that Comcast and
Adelphia e-mail servers aren't communicating properly. When Comcast
subscribers send e-mails to Adelphia addresses (that are now T-W accounts)
they usually bounce with a "Persistent Transient Failure: Delivery time
expired" error message. I tracked down a Comcast Newsgroup and find that to
be happening all over the country--not just in Southern California. (I
assume it only applies to Adelphia accounts that are now T-W--at least
that's all I've heard of.)
Adelphia has been great in my area with rare outages and superb customer
service--I'm really sorry to see them go.
Lola MacLean
2006-08-31 01:13:09 UTC
Post by n***@adelphia.net.nospam
Post by NC
Post by Sam Crawford
I've noticed that many users are now switched over to their new cable
What happens to your old adelphia.net email address? How long will mail
Post by Sam Crawford
forwarded from that old address to your new one?
We were informed that Comcast had taken ownership on August 1 but that
complete conversion would take about 9 months. And that at sometime, we
would be switched over to comcast.net. So far, it looks like Adelphia is
still here. TV ads, newspaper ads, etc. The monthly bill still says Adelphia
but I noticed on my bank statement that payment was to Comcast.
In Northern Vermont, we weren't informed of anything, but a newspaper
article basically said the same thing. There has been no change here at
all, including what the bank statement says. Adelphia continues to
advertise, etc. Newspaper article said it would take about 6 months for
a changeover, there will be a "migration tool" to transfer email
addresses to comcast.net, and they would automatically forward emails
from adelphia.net email addresses through the end of 2007.
Any traceroute I do has a hop after the last Adelphiacom node to a
twc-core.net node.

This is very interesting. If I do a trace *to* you there are some TWC
routers, but you still end up with one named 'unknown adelphia' between them
and the net. Go to www.traceroute.org to the USA page and do some reverse
traces. Reverses are more telling since some predetermined routing throws
certain paths off the system at different points on uploads.

Anyhow... like I was saying, when I do a reverse to myself, I see that a
bunch of my routers are now named unknown, but the first one is named
ADELPHIA-CO. Now... maybe that's been around for a while, but I don't think
I ever recall seeing that before. It may be that they are renaming routers
and have renamed this one to keep the integrity of the adelphia network with
a CO for Comcast. I don't know a lot about networks at that level, but it
seems they are going to rename all the equipment first but keep the first
hop Adelphia until no other networks would require seeing that

I hope this means that Comcast intends to operate the local network as-is
and just rename things... we really have great stability and speed here now.

Also... the previous poster mentions seeing an article about a 'migration
tool'. This is about exactly how I would have expected it to happen. They
are going to have to create some sort of name server (or whatever it's
called that I can't recall) that will sift through the database and reroute

These would seem the easier tasks ahead, though. Sorting out what modems
belong to who and properly identifying them and all that other provisioning
stuff would seem to me to need one heckuva script, eh? To be able to
cut-over they will need to all have new IP addresses and such.
Obfus Kataa
2006-09-01 17:12:35 UTC
Post by 62
Post by n***@adelphia.net.nospam
Post by NC
Post by Sam Crawford
I've noticed that many users are now switched over to their new cable
What happens to your old adelphia.net email address? How long will mail
Post by Sam Crawford
forwarded from that old address to your new one?
We were informed that Comcast had taken ownership on August 1 but that
complete conversion would take about 9 months. And that at sometime, we
would be switched over to comcast.net. So far, it looks like Adelphia is
still here. TV ads, newspaper ads, etc. The monthly bill still says Adelphia
but I noticed on my bank statement that payment was to Comcast.
In Northern Vermont, we weren't informed of anything, but a newspaper
article basically said the same thing. There has been no change here at
all, including what the bank statement says. Adelphia continues to
advertise, etc. Newspaper article said it would take about 6 months for
a changeover, there will be a "migration tool" to transfer email
addresses to comcast.net, and they would automatically forward emails
from adelphia.net email addresses through the end of 2007.
Any traceroute I do has a hop after the last Adelphiacom node to a
twc-core.net node.
This is very interesting. If I do a trace *to* you there are some TWC
routers, but you still end up with one named 'unknown adelphia' between them
and the net. Go to www.traceroute.org to the USA page and do some reverse
traces. Reverses are more telling since some predetermined routing throws
certain paths off the system at different points on uploads.
I did a trace from a server in Virginia (Verio server farm) to my
current IP. The last few hops are blocked; they always have been, but
in this one there is a hop to an adelphia named node (6), then to three
tw-core nodes (7,8,9) then back to adelphia ones:

~# traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 44 byte packets
1 ( 0.385 ms 0.274 ms 0.237 ms
2 ge-1-1-0-278.r00.stngva01.us.wh.verio.net ( 0.338 ms 0.930 ms 0.290 ms
3 vl-5.r01.stngva01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 0.315 ms 0.972 ms 0.296 ms
4 xe-1-2-0.r20.asbnva01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 45.075 ms 0.764 ms 0.414 ms
5 ae-0.r21.asbnva01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 0.479 ms 0.479 ms 0.419 ms
6 ibx-ash.adelphiacom.net ( 0.809 ms 0.958 ms 0.989 ms
7 ae-1-0.c1.dca91.twc-core.net ( 1.040 ms 1.119 ms 0.943 ms
8 so-3-0-0.a0.cho00.twc-core.net ( 6.650 ms 5.340 ms 6.613 ms
9 so-0-0-0.a1.cho00.twc-core.net ( 41.864 ms 37.804 ms 37.757 ms
10 unk-426d0ea6.adelphiacom.net ( 7.976 ms 8.729 ms 83.194 ms
11 ( 40.473 ms 36.292 ms 37.608 ms
12 ( 74.856 ms 76.875 ms 74.602 ms
13 * * *
14 * * *^C
Post by 62
Anyhow... like I was saying, when I do a reverse to myself, I see that a
bunch of my routers are now named unknown, but the first one is named
ADELPHIA-CO. Now... maybe that's been around for a while, but I don't think
I ever recall seeing that before. It may be that they are renaming routers
and have renamed this one to keep the integrity of the adelphia network with
a CO for Comcast. I don't know a lot about networks at that level, but it
seems they are going to rename all the equipment first but keep the first
hop Adelphia until no other networks would require seeing that
I hope this means that Comcast intends to operate the local network as-is
and just rename things... we really have great stability and speed here now.
Also... the previous poster mentions seeing an article about a 'migration
tool'. This is about exactly how I would have expected it to happen. They
are going to have to create some sort of name server (or whatever it's
called that I can't recall) that will sift through the database and reroute
These would seem the easier tasks ahead, though. Sorting out what modems
belong to who and properly identifying them and all that other provisioning
stuff would seem to me to need one heckuva script, eh? To be able to
cut-over they will need to all have new IP addresses and such.
At this historical moment, there is a crisis of engagement within
universities, for when knowledge becomes commoditized, then much
authentic learning ceases.
-bell hooks
13:08 up 16 days, 19:37, 1 user, load averages: 0.03 0.21 0.17
John Phillips
2006-09-25 18:19:48 UTC
On Fri, 1 Sep 2006 13:12:35 -0400, Obfus Kataa
Post by Sam Crawford
I've noticed that many users are now switched over to their new cable
What happens to your old adelphia.net email address? How long will mail
Post by Sam Crawford
forwarded from that old address to your new one?
I understand that the old e-mail addresses will continue to forward
mail for as long as a year. If your old address was ***@adelphia.net,
your new one will beccome ***@roadrunner.com. Only the domain name
will change. My new address is active I believe but in the meantime, I
obtained my owmn domain name and e-mail service from Godaddy for about
$10 a year. The lack of spam is amazing.

John Phillips

John Phillips

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