2006-11-07 21:46:24 UTC
I notice that the date for switching to the new improved channel
lineups in many Southern California communities has quietly changed
from November 7 to TBD. There goes this weekend's HD games on
Apparently TWC is not offering any further explanation. There's
hardly any point in trying to call them as their phones have been
virtually unreachable in the past three weeks.
Locally, hold times grew to monumental proportions as soon as theylineups in many Southern California communities has quietly changed
from November 7 to TBD. There goes this weekend's HD games on
Apparently TWC is not offering any further explanation. There's
hardly any point in trying to call them as their phones have been
virtually unreachable in the past three weeks.
tried to transition the old Comcast areas of southern California into
the TW system on October 20. It seems that this changeover did not
go smoothly.
TWC did send out an e-mail last week saying that the switch from
Adelphia to Road Runner would be postponed to sometime after
November 8.
That's what the card I received in today's mail said, but if you goAdelphia to Road Runner would be postponed to sometime after
November 8.
to www.twcusoon.com/sites/la/FAQ.aspx# and click on "I am a former
Adelphia High-Speed Online customer. Is my Internet service
changing?", you'll come up with:
"Effective November 28th, your Adelphia High-Speed Online service
will be transitioned to Road Runner. Road Runner offers the same
selection of services that you enjoyed before - you simply need to
activate your account on November 28th to begin using them."
We shall see. Personally, I'm in no rush. :)