Routers won't work with TW now?
(too old to reply)
Rob Madison
2006-10-14 23:32:10 UTC
Major internet outage in North San Diego County. Calls to the local
760-707-1000 number DO NOT WORK, even though that's the number you're
told to dial when dialing 800-683-1000.

Calls to the Mira Mesa TW Office at 858-695-3220 go through, but a
recording comes on and says "There is an outage in the North San Diego
County area, blah, blah, blah".

When I connect my PC directly into the cable modem (Motorola SB5100), I
get a TW IP of 76.176.xxx.xxx. DNS is listed at san.rr.com. I can surf
the net, get email, etc.

If I connect ANY router, nothing works. Status page on ALL the routers I
tried says "not connected" even though they ARE connected.

Did TW hit all the cable modems and somehow tell them NOT to work with
routers? Can they even DO that? Big issue as I've got 4 pc's, 1 printer
and a sling box on my network.

Thanks TW!

I guess if I'm supposed to be thankful for ANYTHING, is that these
"problems" didn't happen on Monday.

Rob M.
Jason D. Booth
2006-10-15 02:36:18 UTC
In my limited knowledge of things like this, I would say that they can't do
that. Also, I don't think the cable modem can differentiate between being
connected to a PC or router. But I could be completely wrong!
Post by Rob Madison
Major internet outage in North San Diego County. Calls to the local
760-707-1000 number DO NOT WORK, even though that's the number you're told
to dial when dialing 800-683-1000.
Calls to the Mira Mesa TW Office at 858-695-3220 go through, but a
recording comes on and says "There is an outage in the North San Diego
County area, blah, blah, blah".
When I connect my PC directly into the cable modem (Motorola SB5100), I
get a TW IP of 76.176.xxx.xxx. DNS is listed at san.rr.com. I can surf the
net, get email, etc.
If I connect ANY router, nothing works. Status page on ALL the routers I
tried says "not connected" even though they ARE connected.
Did TW hit all the cable modems and somehow tell them NOT to work with
routers? Can they even DO that? Big issue as I've got 4 pc's, 1 printer
and a sling box on my network.
Thanks TW!
I guess if I'm supposed to be thankful for ANYTHING, is that these
"problems" didn't happen on Monday.
Rob M.
Rob Madison
2006-10-15 04:13:14 UTC
Post by Jason D. Booth
In my limited knowledge of things like this, I would say that they can't do
that. Also, I don't think the cable modem can differentiate between being
connected to a PC or router. But I could be completely wrong!
That's what I thought.

But I did some testing. First, I connected my directly PC to the modem.
Did an ipconfig at the command prompt. Also went into nslookup to see
what the ip address of the DNS server was. I set up my router to use a
static IP and provided it with all the info I got when my modem was
connected to the PC. I checked the the status-->performance page of my
router. This time it showed the internet port was connected. All other
times today when I had the router set to use DHCP from the internet/wan
port showed it as disconnected. I still couldn't surf the net or receive
email, but that's what I expected. I then set the router back to use
DHCP from the internet/wan port and connected it to the modem. Once
again, the performance page from my router showed it as disconnected.

My conclusion: for some bizzare reason that I have yet to discover, the
modem simply won't pass DHCP information back to the router's
internet/WAN port.

Calls to TW still say there is an outage in my area and that their
engineers are "working dilligently to fix the problem".

The strange thing: my in-laws live about a half mile away and their
service is working fine, and they use a router and have the same cable
modem as I do. Other folks on my street still can't get to work either.

I'm guessing TW decided scheduled some sort of IP port-over this weekend
and the whole process blew up in their faces.

Rob M.
2006-10-15 11:15:04 UTC
Post by Rob Madison
Post by Jason D. Booth
In my limited knowledge of things like this, I would say that
they can't do that. Also, I don't think the cable modem can
differentiate between being connected to a PC or router. But
I could be completely wrong!
That's what I thought.
But I did some testing. First, I connected my directly PC to the
modem. Did an ipconfig at the command prompt. Also went into
nslookup to see what the ip address of the DNS server was. I set
up my router to use a static IP and provided it with all the info
I got when my modem was connected to the PC. I checked the the
status-->performance page of my router. This time it showed the
internet port was connected. All other times today when I had the
router set to use DHCP from the internet/wan port showed it as
disconnected. I still couldn't surf the net or receive email, but
that's what I expected. I then set the router back to use DHCP from
the internet/wan port and connected it to the modem. Once again, the
performance page from my router showed it as disconnected.
My conclusion: for some bizzare reason that I have yet to discover,
the modem simply won't pass DHCP information back to the router's
internet/WAN port.
Calls to TW still say there is an outage in my area and that their
engineers are "working dilligently to fix the problem".
The strange thing: my in-laws live about a half mile away and their
service is working fine, and they use a router and have the same
cable modem as I do. Other folks on my street still can't get to
work either.
I'm guessing TW decided scheduled some sort of IP port-over this
weekend and the whole process blew up in their faces.
Just for the hell of it, try cloning the MAC address of the WAN
port of your router to match the MAC address of your main computer.
Set the router to accept a DHCP assignment, then reboot the modem
(you *have* been rebooting the modem when you made all your changes,
haven't you?) and see what happens.

Rob Madison
2006-10-15 17:19:54 UTC
Post by Jafo
Just for the hell of it, try cloning the MAC address of the WAN
port of your router to match the MAC address of your main computer.
Set the router to accept a DHCP assignment, then reboot the modem
(you *have* been rebooting the modem when you made all your changes,
haven't you?) and see what happens.
If it wasn't working this morning, I would've given your suggestion a
try. And I did reboot the modem during my tests.

Last night before I went to bed, I powered down the modem and router.
This morning, I brought them back up and all worked as usual.

Here's what I.P. & DNS info my router has:

WAN IP Address: 76.176.xxx.xxx
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

Weird thing is the duplicate DNS servers. These are TW ip's too.

Ah well, it's working.

Rob M.
2006-10-15 17:50:51 UTC
Post by Rob Madison
Post by Jafo
Just for the hell of it, try cloning the MAC address of the WAN
port of your router to match the MAC address of your main computer.
Set the router to accept a DHCP assignment, then reboot the modem
(you *have* been rebooting the modem when you made all your
changes, haven't you?) and see what happens.
If it wasn't working this morning, I would've given your suggestion
a try. And I did reboot the modem during my tests.
Last night before I went to bed, I powered down the modem and
router. This morning, I brought them back up and all worked as
WAN IP Address: 76.176.xxx.xxx
Uhmmm, the IP is displayed in its entirety in your post's headers.
Post by Rob Madison
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Weird thing is the duplicate DNS servers. These are TW ip's too.
Yes, you're at cpe-76-176-161-5.san.res.rr.com

Was your previously assigned WAN IP from Adelphia or RR?
In other words, is this your first RR assignment?
Post by Rob Madison
Ah well, it's working.
Well, if routers continue to work, then I guess TW ain't so bad after
all, eh? :)

In your original post, you had written, "If I connect ANY router,
nothing works. Status page on ALL the routers I tried says "not
connected" even though they ARE connected." I've noticed that with
some systems, it seems to take quite a while (I'd say 3-8 minutes)
before you'll be issued a new IP. This usually isn't the case with
the actual Adelphia servers, but perhaps TW is a bit more leisurely
in getting around to handing out its IPs.

